Last Multiplayer Characters Revealed

We finally have the full list of Dragon Age Inquisition’s Multiplayer characters. The 12 playable multiplayer co-op chararters are: Archer, Alchemist, Reaver, Katari, Hunter, Keeper, Arcane Warrior, Templar, Legionnaire, Assasin, Necromancer, and Elementalist. Looks like most of these will correspond to the game’s existing specializations, like the Necromancer spec for mages, and the Reaver/Templar spec … Read more

More Co-op Character Images

Every character has a set race, gender, and story. There will be a total of 12 characters available to play in the multiplayer Co-op. Note: these characters are completely separate from the main, single-player game. The normal game will still have the usual 3 classes with 3 specializations each.

More Co-op Multiplayer Screenshots

I’m sure everyone is excited about the co-op multiplayer as much as me. So here are some more screenshots, showing the skill strees, inventory, potions, and more. This screenshot shows the Legionnaire co-op class skill stree. As we can guess from the icons, and the description of the “Shield Wall” ability, legionnaires will be the … Read more