Dev Demo Video, more screenshots

We’ve got a whole one hour video (two parts) for you to watch today, narrated by none other than Dragon Age’s very own developers. It includes an indepth look at the character creation and basic gameplay. Also, a couple new screenshots. Enjoy!

Class Specializations Descriptions Revealed

Today Bioware finally unveiled descriptions for each of the game’s class specializations. Not many surprises, although the Tempest and Rift Mage specializations sound very interesting and still do not fully reveal what exactly the spec is like.

More Mage Skills

Here’s another set of Skill previews from Bioware, once again for the mage class. All of these skills look completely new. Looks like mages are finally getting a “blink” type move with Fade Step.

Skyhold Judgements

Bioware has released the third part of their Skyhold Interview, which discusses judgements. TLDR: you will be able to decide people’s fate just like a judge in Skyhold Castle. Full Interview transcript below: [DRAGON AGE]: Let’s talk about the role of the Inquisitor. How much power do you have as leader? [CAMERON LEE]: As the … Read more

Warrior Shield Skills Preview

Here’s another set of skill previews, this time for weapon+ shield skills for warriors. Once again, we can see some old abilities returning (like shield wall and shield bash) as well as some new skills like Lunge and Slash. Looks like tanks will be more fun to play.