
One new exciting feature of Dragon Age: Inquisition is the multiplayer Co-op, which runs parallel to the main story of the game. You will be able to group up with 3 other players and undertake campaigns in 3 different areas as agents of the Inquisition. The idea behind the multiplayer is to give players an outlet for fast-paced  gameplay, and to make the game feel more social, similar to Mass Effect 3.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Some of the areas explored in the campaigns will include Elven ruins, Ruins of the Tevinter Imperium, and an Orlesian Chateau. Each time you play multiplayer, the zones will be randomly generated to give co-op replayability value (a lesson Diablo 3 should seriously learn). The 3 main enemy factions you will face are:<\/p>\n\n\n\n